Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome to my export compliance blog.

I know it is not typical to start off a blog by pitching another site, but I have a heap of praise for the folks at If you have not checked them out I would join the network as soon as possible. I used my network on to seek topics for discussion on this blog. Little did I know that I would be inundated with responses. As it turn out export compliance is a hot topic.

The purpose of this blog is to explore the complexities of U.S. Export law, tell compliance war stories, and vent from time to time. I hope those that read my periodic posts will leave feedback, suggest topics for new materials, and check in from time to time.

Should you like more information about me or my legal practice please visit

1 comment:

Cho co said...

The two basic stitches are knit or plain and purl or wrong. These two nominal stitches are actually identical, however, being the obverse and reverse of the same stitc garn duo